I am very blessed to have a wonderful husband, Jimmy, who I have been married to for 18 years. He works very hard to allow me to stay home and raise and homeschool our two daughters. Our oldest is sixteen and our youngest is ten.
Katie's Easter dress from the TS. Week before last Kelsey wanted to go back to the mall in Fayetteville. She wanted the go to American Eagle and Charlotte Russe, and Aeropostale. She also wanted to look in the junior's department at Penneys. This time I had a coupon and while the girls were looking I told them I was going to walk across the isle to look at something. Katie followed me. I went to the rack where the Easter dress she had picked out was hanging. They still had her size and I told her I was going to get it for her. She was so sweet and told me no that she wanted to wear the one from the TS. And I told her I was buying her the new one anyway. Here's a pic of her new Easter dress.
The TS dress looks nice on her but I really like this one alot. Now if we can just get that stringy hair cut. I tried to curl it under but that didn't help too much. When she was younger she looked really cute with short hair but now that she is getting older short hair is not her thing. And the longer it gets the worse it looks.
Last week Retha posted some things she was selling. I bought some rose hips and stencils from her. She lives a little over an hour from me and she asked if I wanted her to meet me half way to save on the postage. I told her that I had been wanting to go to an antique mall in Asheboro. We met there this morning and spent a few hours together looking around in two different shops. I did find a few things: another bread box, a spice rack, and an enamel pan. The bread box and spice rack will get makeovers and will probably end up in our booth.
I didn't get to stay as long as I wanted to because Jimmy had to get back home to go to work. We had a nice time and I enjoyed getting to know Retha. We plan on meeting again to shop sometime soon.
In my last post about our move to the Curious Cat I didn't show what we bought while we were there. We got these red canisters
Here they are in their new home
and this soon to be candle box
They were all in Janna's $2.00 box. I just love looking through her box! We also got this magazine rack
from another booth that belongs to Rachel. She doesn't have a blog yet but she told me she read mine and I told her if she starts her own I will be a follower.
My biggest problem of having a booth at the Curious Cat is that I'm gonna want to buy something everytime we go.
Well, I've got to go see what I can start working on next. I hope you have a great evening!
I want to thank each one of you who left a comment about our new booth. And thank you for the prayers that went up on our behalf. We left out this morning around 11:00. It was very cloudy and the weather man said there should be hit and miss showers this morning and storms this afternoon. We had been praying all week for the rain to hold off until the afternoon. Most everything was packed in the van and we had a bench, a pair of shutters, and the bottom of a trash can which was wrapped in a trash bag on the back of Jimmy's truck. Just as we were coming into Monroe it started sprinkling but we didn't have far to go. Once we got there Jimmy started unloading what was on the truck and we got everything in before it started raining hard. We got everything in it's place and I looked down at my watch and it was only one o'clock! I thought it would have taken us longer. We stopped at 1:30 and went to eat lunch at Bojangles. Jimmy's parents met us there and then went back to the Curious Cat with us. The booth was finished but we had to go back and make sure everything was just right. Are you ready to see some pictures? This first one is of the van right before we left:
And here are some of our booth:
I can see by looking at the pictures we will be going to do some tweaking.
Thank you Kelsey, Katie and Luke for helping us unload. Dad and I really appreciate it.
We also got to meet Janna of Artsy Fartsy Finds. I had talked to her through e-mailsand she is just as sweet in person.
Is it already Wednesday? It seems like I just posted WWW for last Wednesday. I still have a mess in our livingroom.
I think it kinda looks worse than the pic I showed last week. But the good thing about it is it's almost ready to go except for pricing. I will be doing that for the next few days. The closer Saturday gets the more nervous I get. I know everything will be fine if we just continue to trust in the Lord.
This green shelf was unfinished wood and had a hole in it where a picture should have been. I think Jimmy had the idea of putting the quilt square in the hole. And the granite pan has some more quilt pillows that I made up. I still have a few more to make but I ran out of poly-fil. Instead of making an extra trip to town I decided to wait until I get groceries tomorrow to pick up another bag. I have also been working on getting Katie's party invitations ready to mail. Her party will be on April 4th. Now they are ready to be mailed tomorrow.
Yep, my little girl is having a John Deere party. She is trying to talk her Papa into doing a hayride for the kids. Won't that be fun?!
Well, that's all I have for now. I have to get back to work - Saturday will be here before I know it.
Click on over to Leslie's and see what everyone else is up to.
My most favorite time of the year is fall. That is except for one thing.....
digging out the ugly pool cover, unfolding it, stretching it across only for it to land on its winter home. This is what I see out the kitchen window all winter long. It is so depressing. But it won't be long and it will be time to uncover the pool and pack that ugly cover away until the end of September. Jimmy is taking a vacation the week after Easter and there are many things to be done around the house. One of them will definitely be getting the pool open. Yep, the water will be COLD and yep, my girls will be in it. They don't care. I won't even get in until the end of May, probably. I can't stand the cold water!
There is also some painting to be done. In August we will have lived here for seven years. And for seven years the outside has needed a new paint job. We did paint the shutters and the front door not long after we moved in. But now it's time for some major painting. I have a little problem though. I don't know what colors to use. Now the siding is a creamy color with navy shutters and front door. The roof is brown.
Jimmy would like to go with painting the siding grey and shutters and door burgundy. But I just don't think that would go with our brown roof or the bricks. I like the idea of the grey with black shutters and door. But that won't go with the brown roof or the bricks either. So, what do you think? Please help! I would really like some suggestions.
And then there's the pond.....
It needs some work, too. Definitely some weeding and the daylillies have come back to life. It won't be long and we'll be sitting outside listening to it bubbling. We put the pond in back in the spring of 2003 right after my Mama passed away. We also planted the River birch tree that's behind the pond. When Jimmy brought that poor tree home my father-in-law and I thought for sure it was dead. Jimmy is 6ft. 4in. tall and that tree wasn't much taller than him. And it had no leaves on it. It won't be long and it will be full of leaves. I hope you have a great evening!
This morning Jimmy had some errands to run. He had to get gas, go to the bank, and I asked him if he would run in Food Lion and pick up two things. We also decided he would go back to one of the thrift stores (Cookie's Closet) that was having a half price sale when we were in there two weeks ago. They had an old sewing machine bottom with just a wood top. We thought it would make a good display table for our booth at the Curious Cat. He comes back home and tells me that Cookie's wasn't having the half price sale anymore and they still had the table but it was marked sold. And he told me that he had gotten lost on the way home (from our house there is six turns to go to Cookie's and he always get mixed up on one of them coming back home). I told him that I started to tell him how to get home and he said I'm glad you didn't because I found the best thing on the side of the road and I wouldn't have found it if you had told me how to get home. So, he goes back outside and gets this
off the back of his truck. It's some kind of bench and it will look great in our booth. It does need a new board on the top and Jimmy thinks he has one to fix it. The table at Cookie's would have been $12.50 but this was FREE! I guess the Lord let him get lost so he could find the bench.
We also found these canisters
at a TS a few weeks ago. I had looked at them several different times and I would always say I wish I had gotten them. And here they are after a little work.....
We have been busy, busy, busy getting everything ready for our booth. It's so exciting. And I can hardly wait to see what it's going to look like.
It is finally a sunny day here in NC after four days of rainy cold weather. With the sun shining that means we've been outside painting! There is so much that we have been working on that I just can't pick out any one thing to show you. See this mess in our living room.....
It wasn't too long ago that I showed pictures when we re-arranged the living room. When Jimmy and I started searching the thrift shops for things to re-do they were things we wanted for ourselves. We got to the point where we had to stop and figure out where we were going to put all of these things. Several people had seen some of our make overs and told us we should open a shop. That is our ultimate goal....just not any time soon.Two Saturdays agowhen we went to the Curious Cat in Monroe
Jimmy noticed that a few booths were empty. He went up to the front and asked about the booth rental. We started praying about it and the Lord just seems to be opening the door for us and we will be moving in to booth 3B on March 28th. We are both excited and I'm a little scared. What if nobody wants to buy our stuff? The living room pic was taken this morning. So, as you can see we have ALOT of work to do.
Head on over to Leslie's to see what everybody's been workin' on.
Oh! I have been working on several different projects. We went to the TS again this morning and we brought home soooooo much! Two of them had half-price sales. That's always a good thing! I did get pictures of everything but I will post them later since I have so many to show in this post. The make-over process is going very slowly and I am running out of room to put things. This afternoon I sanded quite a few things, stained a small shelf, tightened up some loose screws, I started this small stitchery last night and finished it up today.....
The frame was the little blue one we found in the 25 cent bin at the TS in Marshville. It had a white liberty bell cross-stitched on red fabric. I thought the frame would be perfect for a little stitchery and I traced one of our rusty stars for the pattern. I also made another candle tray.....
It just needs to be sanded, painted, sanded some more, and stained. I already have the candles and rose hips to fill it. And this is my favorite of the day....
This is the spice rack that we got when Katie got her free cash register. Jimmy painted it, distressed it, and we got the little plate and star at Antique or Not Saturday. Click on over to Leslie's to see what everybody has been workin' on.
Yesterday the girls and I went to the mall in Fayetteville. Kelsey was wantin' to spend her money and I needed to get them dresses for Easter. They both found dresses they liked at Penneys. I hardly ever buy anything there without a coupon because they send them out all the time. We got a coupon in the mail Monday but it wasn't good until today. So, I told the girls we would go to our Penneys today so I could use the coupon. Our Penneys is small and really crappy. I should have known better. I found the one Kelsey picked out but not Katie's. So, at one of the TS today they had a really nice dress that was $3.00. It is Sag Harbor and hasn't even been worn. I got Katie to try it on. The whole time she was like why does Kelsey get a new dress and I have to get one from the TS? And she kept whinning. What if somebody asks me where I got it? I told her to just tell them that Moma got it for her. Finally, Jimmy and I made her understand that it is a new dress. It just didn't cost as much as Kelsey's.I couldn't get a good picture of her standing so Kelsey took this one for me..... And now, I'm almost done. I received two awards yesterday. Gigi gave me the Berry Sweet Blog Award.... Thanks so much, Gigi. And Candlemamma gave me the Sisterhood Award.....
And thank you, Candlemamma. It was so sweet of both of you to think of me.
Now, I think I'm gonna go start working on the new quilt squares I got Saturday.
Yesterday Jimmy, Katie, and I spent almost the whole day shopping for primitives :o). We started out headed to Antique or Not in Indian Trail. Pam is closing her shop and everything is on sale. She is such a sweet person and although I don't get to go to her shop as often as I would like I am going to miss her. What a beautiful day for a yard sale and we stopped at a few on the way. We found these two shelves and a table
And here is what we got at Antique or Not
When we left there we went to Party City to get some things for Katie's birthday party. And then to the Curious Cat in Monroe. We found some things there, too
I found these quilt squares (guess what I'm gonna do with them? Yep, make more pillows) and Jimmy found a chick feeder that I'm going to use to make a lamp like Carmen made. The first booth when you walk in the door belongs to Janna and she had a box that had $2.00 items in it. It was sitting on the floor and Jimmy bent down and picked up the candles and yummy Snickerdoodle tarts. And best of all I got to meet a blogger friend. Nicole from Back in the Day Primitives has a booth there. I had never met her before and I asked if she had a booth there and was told that she was there. So I walked back to her booth and met her. Actually Jimmy and I had talked to her earlier but didn't know it was her. When we were done there I was so ready to go home. But Jimmy remembered the TS next to Beth's shop in Marshville. So, we stopped in there and found 4 things that were in the quarter bins
And since we were so close to the Olde Tyme Marketplace you know we had to stop in and see Beth. We got some candles and rosehips there
We also got ice cream cones there but I don't have a picture of them. I had my camera but didn't even think to take pics. And then finally it was time to go home. This big ole body of mine isn't made to shop all day so I was exhausted when we got home. But we did have a very nice day.
Katie, our youngest daughter, will turn 11 next month. She loves to play with cash registers. And she has been wanting a real one. She told Jimmy and I that she wants one for her birthday. I thought it was a good idea and Jimmy kept asking her why she needs a cash register. She has been looking on e-bay and craig's list. When we went to the TS where we found the box of goodies Saturday Katie found a cash register. She was about to have a fit. She couldn't get to it fast enough. It was marked $25.00. She picked it up and I noticed it didn't have a cord with it so I told her to go ask if they knew where the cord might be. The man told her it should be with the cash register. But it wasn't. Jimmy was explaining to the man that Katie had been looking on e-bay for one. And the man gave the thing to Katie. He told Jimmy that we could probably find a cord for it at Radio Shack. We brought it home and Katie got the cord from our calculator, plugged that baby up, and it worked.
She was soooooo happy! She told us when she gets money for her birthday she is going to put it in her cash register and save it for our vacation to PA in October.
We found this table and chair last Monday while we were out TS shopping and I forgot about them because they were out on the porch.
They will get some kind of makeover and they will probably stay on the porch. We have two wicker chairs that were found a few years ago (at the beach by my inlaws) sitting on the side of the road waiting for the trash men to pick them up. They are where the kitties sleep and they are on their last legs. I hate to get rid of them but someone will probably fall through if they try to sit in them.
And in case any of you are wondering I did dust and clean my bedroom and bathroom yesterday. I felt guilty after I showed the pic. It took me until 11:15 last night to get it all done. But now it's nice and clean, well at least for a few days.
It's so hard to believe Wednesday is here again so soon. The weeks just fly by too fast. I think this is my fourth week participating in WWW with Leslie. And I'm really enjoying it. Okay so here is what I should be working on I'm a little embarassed to be showing you this. This is one of the nightstands in my bedroom. See all of the dust? I absolutely HATE to dust. Now that you've seen what I should be working on let's move on to what I have been working on. I got these quilt squares quite a few years ago....
I got my big box of fabric out last week and found them. So, I decided I would make pillows out of them.
Jimmy has also been working on some of the TS makeovers and I have a few to share with you.
He didn't really change the stool too much. Just sanded off the shiney and applied a new coat of stain. On the tissue holder he painted the top of it to match our bathroom. I didn't want the bottom part of it painted but I don't like it the way it is. I think I might stain it. And finally he painted and distressed the candle holder (I'm not sure what it is but it looks like it has slots that knives would fit in) to also go in our bathroom. We've got lots more to work on and hopefully I'll have some more to show you soon. And I'm off to dust my bedroom - maybe :o)