Finally! Dinner is done, dishes are done, and school work has been graded. Now I can sit down to write for a little while.
First of all, the bathroom project is coming along. In addition to being a preacher, Jimmy also works for Pepsi as the night warehouse manager. He leaves for work at 2:30pm Monday-Thursday and 12:30pm on Friday. And he doesn't get home until 1:00am. So, that means he really doesn't have much time during the day to paint. Anyway he started applying the primer today. Here's some pics from yesterday. They aren't very good as I was trying to avoid taking a picture of the mirror so I wouldn't be photographing myself. HaHa!

Jimmy decided he was going to do the trim work first. It is kind of a burgandyish color. He's hoping to finish with the painting Saturday. I'll post more pictures later.
And now for a little more about myself and my family...
We live in the little community of Cordova, which is just south of Rockingham. My in-laws live next door. My Daddy and step mother, Teresa (my Mama died from cancer in March 2003) live at the beach. Daddy called Sunday night to tell me that he and Teresa are going to be baptized this coming Sunday morning. I really feel like I need to go but I also don't like to miss our church. Decisions, decisions.....
Well, I think that's all I have for tonight and hopefully I'll be back tomorrow.